

business plan


















Source Rock provides Project Management and Engineering Support to the energy industry.  We have the experience of over 300 horizontal development projects throughout North America and China.

We have created over $350 million in reserve value with our proven techniquest.

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 We are an independent source of expertise to those oil and gas companies who don't have in house expertise required for a successful horizontal redevelopment program.

 We generate internal projects and seek joint venture and/or equity partners for development and value creation.

 Our extensive history and experience allows us to maintain very good relationships with key contractors.

Our Geographic focus on the Mid-Continent allows us to assimilate a significant base of knowledge that allows us to bring our extensive background to our partners and clients.  Although we hold the details of every project in the strictest confidence, when the Source Rock Team becomes involved in your project, you immediately gain the value of our successes (and failures) of our extensive background.  We believed the cost associated with the "The learning curve" associated with the utilization  of horizontal technology could eclipse $10 million perhaps larger depending on the scope of the project.  Those learning curve costs are largely eliminated when we become involved with your project.

Our industry is undergoing a revolution.  We predict that the oil & gas fields throughout the Mid-Continent will undergo a continuous transformation for the next two decades.  The majority of our mature oil & gas fields that were originally developed using vertical drilling and completion practices are largely under exploited and will continue to be targets for horizontal redevelopment.  While the prolific Mississippian play of Oklahoma and Kansas is the most recent example, this trend will continue.

Many times owners of these fields are approached by companies with aggressive land departments offering to acquire leases on a "price per acre" valuation.  When in reality we as owners deserve a valuation based on a "price per barrel of oil and or gas equivalent (BOE)", without internal expertise we are left at a disadvantage.  Source Rock provides this critical price per BOE vlauation.  If desired we also structure partnering agreements that will allow the owner to realize much higher values through pilot horizontal drilling programs designed to drill and complete a a minimum  number of wells while creating maximum reserve value.

Our focus is currently in the Mississippian play.  We are however constanly researching the Mid-Continent for the next play to emerge.  Our techniques are designed to, and have been successful regardless of the hydrocarbon type, or reservoir rock type.

The 2012 Plan involves a continued focus on helping our industry clients to achieve maximum value in their projects as well as completing the joint venture efforts of our Grant/Garfield County assets.  We also continue to monitor results in our Pawnee Project.

Brian Weatherl - View resume
